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UC President, Michael Drake
U.C. President Michael V. Drake
UC President Michael V. Drake.png
Michael Drake; President of The University of California
UC President, Michael Drake
Michael V Drake, seated; uc president
UC President Michael Drake.png
UC President Drake.png
Michael Drake, UC president
UC President Drake: For Your Own Good.gif
UC President, Michael Drake; This is UCLA.png
UC President, Michael Drake in US flag.png
Michael Drake, University of California President.png
University of California President Michael V Drake.png
UC Michael Drake; On student expulsion.png
UCLA Michael Drake; Robert Brenner quote.png
UCLA President Drake; Edward Keenan quote.png
UC President Drake; Silence.png
UC Office of the Puppet: Michael Drake
UC Office of the Emperor: Michael Drake
UC Office of the Emperor's New Clothes
UC President Michael V. Drake (The UC Brand)
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